Analog Devices® Eagle® driver for *BSD



This section is particularly useful for people connecting to the French provider Free dégroupé. PPPoA users don't need to read this section.

Configuring your connection

You must edit the /usr/local/sbin/adsl-up file to specify your connection settings.
Here are the values that must be specified:

MYIP=my IP address (1)
PEERIP=my gateway address (2)
VPI=8 (3)
VCI=36 (4)
FLAGS=1 (5)
Your static IP address.
The IP address of your gateway. With Free dégroupé, it is usually the same address as your IP address except that the last number should be replaced by 254.
VPI value provided by your ISP.
VCI value provided by your ISP.
Encapsulation: can be either 1 (routed vcmux) or 3 (bridged LLC).

Synchronizing the modem

Note to XWindow users: It is recommended that you run xconsole to see the debug messages that are sent to the system console.
In order to synchronize your modem, you must run the adsl-up script freshly edited:

% /usr/local/sbin/adsl-up

If you see something like:

eagleflash: Sorry, no pre-firmware modem found!

simply unplug and replug your modem from the USB and re-run the adsl-up script using the above command.
After a short delay, you should see something like this on the console:

ueagle0: vendor 0x1110 ADSL-USB Modem, rev 1.00/50.0b, addr 2
ueagle0: End System Identifier: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

The adsl-up script then wait for the modem to synchronize. It can take a while. You should see the lights on your modem starting to blink. Once your modem is synchronized, the adsl-up script will display your connection properties on the standard output:

DSL Delineation    : GOOD
DSL DownRate       : 6368Kb/s
DSL UpRate         : 640Kb/s

The values DownRate and UpRate should reflect your connection speed.
You should now be able to ping your peer IP. You can add the DNS IP addresses provided by your ISP in the /etc/resolv.conf file. See the resolver(5) man page for more information on editing this file.

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